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The Light and Dark
Side of Adoption

Walk Together is a resource page focusing on Adoption in the UK, created by a desire help you, by Susie James. It's to help mothers, fathers, children and everyone involved in the difficult, tumultuous, rewarding, elating roller coaster that can be the adoption before, during and after process in the UK. 



We do our research - explore adoption topics from an academic perspective.


We do our research. We want to give you more than stories and personal experience. We want to give you the facts from psychological impacts, to legislation and more.


Join Important

This is a ground breaking study funded by the department of education for adoptive parents or special guardians and young adopted people. Take part today.

family routes

Help Me Face
the Dark

We all struggle. Adoption is incredible, but terrifying and challenging at times. We're in it together. Let's face the dark together.

It's important not to overlook the challenges. We need to tackle them head on, together. Adoption is wonderful, but it's full of scary, life-changing and demanding moments.

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